Dr John Drimmer
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Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

Learning the Practical Magic of Relationships

Relationships form the fabric of our lives and our world and it only makes sense to take some lessons along the way to make them the best they can be.

Most people don't think twice about taking lessons to become better at what they care about: yoga, financial management, high end software, and other things. Marriages and relationships deserve and need that same kind of energy and commitment to build and deepen skill. Investing in your "relationship intelligence" can pay enormous dividends for you, and for all the people your life touches.

Couples often feel very discouraged when they first come to counseling

The perspective I have from outside the relationship allows me to see that this discouragement is the point where a great amount of trust has been created. Both parties are now showing to each other the distresses they carry and the struggles they have had. I believe virtually all of these distresses have their source outside of the relationship, from long before the relationship began.

The counseling work you do with your partner is some of the most powerful counseling possible

I approach the presenting problem not as an obstacle but as a doorway to mutual understanding. I work with the two of you to become great counselors for each other. First, we slow things down as you take turns listening and talking.

Becoming better communicators

You will grow in your understanding of how to better communicate with each other, and, perhaps more importantly, you will gain insight into each other’s lives. Problems around communication, sex, money, trust, intimacy, parenting and addiction all become issues around which you come together.

The work you do with your partner is some of the most powerful counseling possible. I look forward to working with you and your partner.