Dr John Drimmer
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Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Positive Psychology is a an effective antidote to anxiety and a powerful stress-buster.

In its simplest form, anxiety is a helpful signal to us that something needs to be attended to. Something is wrong and we need to think about a solution. Maybe we forgot to pay a bill or make a phone call and a nagging sensation of anxiety alerts us to take action. Or perhaps there is a big project due, and we haven't left enough time to work on it - anxiety can be helpful because it tells us we need to make a decision or improve a plan.

However, anxiety can become a problem in itself, when it is experienced too often or too intensely, inhibiting a fully functioning life. An anxiety problem can be mildly irritating, or disabling to a person's ability to function. Some indications of an anxiety problem might be:

  • insomnia
  • a feeling that you're always behind constant worry
  • a vague continual feeling of anxiety
  • compulsive behaviors
  • fear of social situations
  • racing heartbeat and difficulty breathing
  • racing thoughts
  • a series of changes or transitions in life have made it difficult to feel confident and calm as usual


Positive Psychology has highly effective tools to combat stress and social anxiety that are proven successful in many cases. Our approach combines mind, body, spirit and feelings. Many clients report positive results emerge rapidly.

I can help you to both understated the roots of the anxiety and to develop behavioral strategies to diminish its power.

I may suggest tools such as relaxation, breathing exercises and breath awareness, meditation and Yoga. They can help to stabilize and enrich your life, making you more truly confident in yourself. You can develop more energy and strength in order to deal with changes in your life, and to put into perspective, the long-standing issues which cause fear, retreat and anxiety.

If these are issues for you, there's help. Call my office and if I don't have time to see you, I'll refer you to someone who can help.