Dr John Drimmer
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"Here comes the sun..."

Lennon and McCartney

Finding Love

Of all the things that matter in your life, none is more important than being in a relationship that's loving and supportive. There 's a twenty foot high stack of studies that all prove it. They all show that to be in a good partnership expands happiness and even makes life matter more.

Now, of course something that precious is not so easy to find. (Okay, sure, some seem to achieve it without much work, but that's a small segment.)

So how do you find something so precious and rare? The best way is to work on it with a trained clinician who knows about relationships and love. Someone who "gets" you. Someone who you feel really knows about life.

Unfortunately most people who are having a tough time with relationships try to think their way through the challenge. Doesn't work too well. If it did, you wouldn't have a problem. Others turn to their girlfriends or guy friends for advice. That's important, but it too doesn't help you get to where you need to go.

Good therapy can help enormously. The therapy I do with people is focused on the present. It builds hope. And it's intensely practical. If your goal is to see things change as quickly as possible, I might be a good person for you to work with.

The work I do with my clients emphasizes:

  • helping you grow insight into yourself and insight into the process of dating and romance
  • unlocking your hidden assumptions. Often people don't even know what these are - and yet they shape everything that happens
  • developing new skills and tools that you can use right away to improve things

I believe this process should be fun, insight building - and rewarding. Tightness and worry, they don't exactly improve the experience, huh?

How do you judge if this kind of therapy is working? You should feel more confident, and more hopeful .You should feel like you're moving forward. Things should start to really change.