Dr John Drimmer
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"Whether one believe in religion or not, the very purpose of our life is happiness."

The Dali Lama

Growing Happiness

Think of the most precious treasure. A treasure that all men and women who have ever lived have yearned for...

That's what happiness is. Without it, nothing we want is really worth much.

Men and women have pondered happiness for as long as... well, for a long time. Until recently it's been left to philosophers and religious leaders.

But now as Positive Psychologists study happiness, we're uncovering the practical truths of what makes a happy life. Here's the great news: we can learn them.

Here's a encapsulated description. A well-lived life has three columns. Think of a temple with three columns .


These are the sweet experiences that just "feel" good. A great meal. A warm bed. A delicious hug. A great workout.


This is the happiness that comes from closeness to others and from using your natural strengths.

( We've discovered that few understand their strengths or use them.)


This is the deeper satisfaction that comes from finding a larger meaning or purpose to dedicate your life to.